
Close-ups // 13.02.2012

Do you know those days of the year when your hair finally falls perfectly, but you only have 5 more minutes before you leave? Well,  that's what I had yesterday haha. But I quickly grapped my camera and took some close-up shots in black/white. I didn't do anything to my hair and only put on some mascara + eyeliner. I had a great weekend, only 4 more days of school and then next week I'll have a three days during internship at a clothing store. And then it's finally holiday again!! I can't wait, really need it haha. 

Lots of love, Britt


  1. je ziet er nog steeds mooi uit hoor zonder te veel make up : )
    wil je een kijkje nemen op mn mode blog?
    ben redelijk nieuw : )
    Hier dus xD

  2. Wauw, ik vind je echt een heel mooi meisje!

  3. hee bedankt voor following me back! : D
    super leuke blog


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Love, Britt