C'est moi

My name is Britt Vissers. A 16 year old (fashion)blogger from the Netherlands. 
In this blog I'll post my outfits, inspiration and music. 
I just wear what I like and what I feel comfortable in, cause if you feel good in what you wear you can see that. Confident women are the prettiest, right?

I love.. fashion, my canon eos 450d, lipgloss, traveling, personal style, singing, Erin Wasson, lookbook, streetstyle, Amsterdam, short boots, blazers, mascara, music, buddha to buddha, my dog, friends, nail polish, we heart it, sashimi, tumblr, blogs, twitter, quotes and more..

People often ask why I made a blog, well I just did one day. I had been looking at several blogs, to get inspiration and I thought.. Why can't I do the same? I mean, there's always the try. Lets see if it works out. That's now over a year ago and I can really see that I've grown. I've gotten to know more about my own, personal style. I also made the blog cause I like to make photos, I really can't live without my camera, you can say that I'm addicted. I wanted to share my photos, but also my outfits. I got inspired by a lot of bloggers,  I thought I'd give it a try and made a blog myself.  Anyway, I'm really glad I did it. A blog is your own space, you can share what you want and inspire others.

My favorite blogger.. That must be Elin Kling from Style by Kling, her style is amazing, I love every single outfit she wears. She's a huge inspiration for me, from her I also found the inspiration for my blog name.

If you have any questions, write a comment below. 

Lots of love, Britt


  1. Hallo Britt,

    Voor een beeldserie in PS van de Week (bijlage van Het Parool) ben ik op zoek naar jonge modebloggers uit Amsterdam.
    Ik vroeg me af of je in Amsterdam woont en of het je leuk lijkt om mee te doen.

    Je kunt mij mailen op: cvankeeken@parool.nl

    Vriendelijke groeten,


  2. Hay die Britt :)
    ik volg je al lekker lang!
    echt alles is super mooi,
    en maak ook een kijkje bij mij blog aub (A)

    1. He Britt! Ah wat lief, sorry ik had een tijd niet meer op mn blog gezeten! Ik ga zeker kijken op je blog en je terug volgen! Liefs xx

  3. Hey Britt,

    it was nice working with you last week.hopefully you felt the same. hope I gave you enough information regarding the fashion business. thanks again a hope to speak to you in the near fututre. best regard, Roberto@BarneysBloemendaal

    1. Thank you Roberto! I found it nice to work a couple of days with you in the store as well! You did, soon I'll send you my report so you can see it. See you soon!
      Yours sincerely, Britt

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I really appreciate it, I will reply on all comments on your blog.
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Love, Britt