
A bit more organized

Hello lovely readers, I'm planning to organize my blog a bit more. I think it's a bit messy right now and that's such a shame, I guess. I'll post outfit post, music I like, new buys, inspiration, wishlists and maybe there'll come a new subject; vlog!!! I think that would be very exciting, so I hope that I will have the time to make that happen.

I hope that you'll like this news and I'm sorry that I haven't updated for a week but all week long I was ill.. Today I was finally feeling a little better and I had the time to update my blog, yeah!

Last week we also celebrated 'Sinterklaas' and we got the Ipad!! Yeah, so whenever I'm on a trip, I don't need to carry my laptop all the way but just bring the Ipad to update my blog from! I'm very excited!

I already have some ideas for new blogposts, so I can't wait to post them! I hope you all have a great weekend and stay tuned for more posts!!


Dreams can become reality, it simply depends on how much you are willing to sacrifice. 

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